
Grameen America is the fastest-growing microfinance organization working in the United States.

Join us to bring financial mobility to women entrepreneurs across the country.

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Give With Us

By giving to Grameen America, you will help fund a microloan for a hardworking, woman entrepreneur. When she repays her loan, your gift will be recycled back into the program to help other women entrepreneurs. With one donation, your impact is multiplied many times over as $1 yields $13 over five years. Your support isn't just a donation—it’s a gift that makes a lasting impact towards financial inclusion.

Learn more about how you can give with us. 

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Partner With Us

Grameen America is proud to partner with leading companies to build alliances that enhance business and philanthropic objectives while creating positive community impact. Whether your goal is to amplify your corporate contributions, engage consumers in your brand’s values, or provide deeper purpose for your employees, we’ll work with you to develop a partnership that supports your business objectives, builds your philanthropic work, and directly impacts the lives of women, their families, and communities.


To learn more, please contact Jill Monum at


Your donation will empower tens of thousands of women-owned businesses.